This Blog do not ask for any kind of visitors personal data, and we never save or store any kind of viewers personal data, Here on this Blog we basically provide technology-related topics, Only the Problems, Queries & feedback is provided by the viewers are displayed publicly on our help and support section with the intention that any other or new viewer facing similar issue can get a quick solution to that particular problem without consulting us.

In the upcoming future depending upon the growth of our community, we may create a forum for the better interaction of our audiences where you need to register or login to the forum section and chat or interact with the co visitors. Here in such a situation we just ask for your email address and nickname, in order to support you regarding any kind of password, forgot issue or other login issues.
Since this Blog is Visited by Global audiences from various countries and regions with different causes and mentality we would like to warn you that please don’t disclose any kind of your personal data while browsing our blog or website. If you do so it could be a matter of problem for you if any third person could missus your data, in such a situation our team will not be held responsible for such problems.